
Growing up in Southern California, Disneyland has always been a special place. My parents would take me out of school and surprise me with a trip to Disneyland! Being a huge Star Wars fan, when Star Tours opened, both my dad and I would ride it multiple times! I have some great memories of Disneyland with my parents.

I’ve always been interested in woodworking ever since I was a little kid. I would try to help my dad and older brother build things. Took woodworking in high school and started making workbenches, dog houses, planters and picnic benches at home. After moving from Lakewood to Temecula, I went to college in San Diego. In college I majored in AutoCAD, got my degree and then went on to computer animation using 3D Studio (in DOS lol). Got a job in Orange County at the game company Interplay Productions as Tech Support, but really hoping to get into 3D modeling…it never happened. Still in Orange County, I started working at the corporate office for a construction supply company as content administrator and graphic artist for their website. Seeing that the traffic was getting worse and worse, traveling from Orange County to back home to Temecula, what better way to wait for traffic to ease than to go to Disneyland…time to get an annual pass!

In 2016 or so, I started watching YouTube videos of Disneyland and came across LMGVids and watched a few of his POV videos and also saw a few vloggers like Justin Scarred, Fresh Baked, Adam the Woo and Alex the Historian and thought that was so cool what they were doing. Some of my relatives in the Netherlands were wondering what Disneyland was like, so I decided to just record stuff too and make my own channel as well as making Google 360 street view images of Disneyland. I ran into Alex and started talking with him and we became good friends. After becoming friends with Alex, I met Jason and watched his channel and it was just so cool to see all the projects and signs he was making! I met and became friends with more YouTubers, Kris from LMGVids, Marc from TASG, Heyman with Jayman, Maddy from Mountaineer Productions, Kenny from AlphaTraveler1, Larry from Goofy Guys Adventures and a few others. It’s like a YouTube Family.

After making my Where are We series, Jason asked me one day if I would be interested in doing a ride through commentary video and I said of course…should be fun, but I didn’t want to be in front of the camera. But after some persuasion from Jason and advice from my other friend Larry, from Goofy Guy Adventures, I did it…and it’s been pretty fun. After doing a few of those, he was like…let’s do a podcast….and here we are!

Personal Bits

Current Location:

  • Coeur d’Alene, ID


  • Lakewood, CA


  • Disneyland
  • Woodworking
  • Laser Engraving
  • Graphic Design
  • Fishing
  • Biking
  • Golf
  • Football
  • Watching, Learning From & Creating YouTube Videos

Favorite Movies:

  • Star Wars – IV, V, Rogue One
  • Jungle Book (Cartoon)
  • Tron
  • Predator
  • 007 Series

Favorite Disney Characters:

  • Goofy
  • Mickey
  • Baloo
  • Captain Rex


Expedition Steve