Chris of Route 9 Signs

I’ve known Chris now for a few years and despite our mutual respect for each others work and signs and that we consider ourselves friends, we’ve never actually met in person as of yet, though we did come close once. But it will happen, soon I hope. But podcast is a bit longer because Chris’ interview ran long, but I promise you will enjoy it.

We’ve changed up things by only chatting about one subject instead of the news as we thought the limited or brief news that we were doing just wasn’t doing it justice and there is already plenty of other places and podcasts that are doing a much better job than we were, so we will just let them cover it. That being said, since we’re still chatting about Disney, we can still call this Disney OnFoot.. which is again a fun nod to our friend Dallin over at OffHand Disney.

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Route 9 Signs

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