Kris of LMG Vids

For our first episode we have a very fitting guest and interviewee is Kris with LMG Vids. Kris’ channel on YouTube, has a massive quantity of low light ride through videos which are used the world over by vloggers to use within their videos, including our Ride Thru Commentary video series which can be found on this channel.

We also discuss the latest Disney news and construction updates and play a game we like to call, BrewSky Rectify, where our guest and ourselves will spin a wheel to select an attraction or restaurant which we have to re-imagine it and somehow make it better. BrewSky is a take on bluesky, in terms of imagineering, it means the sky’s the limit when it comes to your imagination. But because its “brew” sky, we ask that you join us along with your favorite drink, and if we drink, you drink.

In the news on this episode, we’ll discuss Bruce vaungh returning to Imagineering, Bob Iger budgets $17 billion for WDW in the next 10 years, live action Moana in the works and more.

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